Meet Green Fire Ambassador Apollo Wilson

ApolloTreeAround two years ago I made a decision that would change my life forever. I dropped my normal life to go live in a ecovillage near Dallas Texas. Everything I thought I knew about living life was questioned here at the Garden Of Eden. I have gained not only a whole new outlook on life but some tangible skills as well.

I feel I am competent in organic gardening, composting, sustainable construction (aka building with trash), Cobb, husbandry, plus many other things that revolve around being more sustainable. I sit here now with a passion to help my felow humans in creating harmony between themselves and their environment, the Earth.

This passion to learn, this passion of service, it is burning inside of me. The time has come for me to move on to travel through out the world giving my blood, sweat, and tears to people’s efforts for a happier life. I will dedicate my life to serving other ecovillages, sustainable homesteads, and intentional communities for however long this passion exist within me.